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War Tribe MC Bylaws

1. No Helmets during Wars/TDMs.
2. AR’s, Shotguns (No Auto Shotguns), Pistols, Melee, Tear Gas, and
Gasoline are the only weapons allowed to be used.
3. Specific Choppers (Hexer, Daemon, Innovation, Sovereign, Gargoyle,
Cliffhanger, Bagger, Rat Bike, Wolfsbane, Zombie Bobber, NightBlade, Avarus,
Zombie Chopper, Chimera).
4. Show Respect (If asked to stop Shut The Fuck Up about IT).
5. No Passive Mode.
6. Prospects Can’t Vote.
7. Prospects Can’t speak without permission during meetings and church (Do not
interrupt while members are speaking, goes for ALL members).
8. Park By Rank.
9. Discord needs to be downloaded by every member.
10. No armored vehicles, weaponized vehicles, or air vehicles.

11. Prospecting is two weeks (if you ask about getting your patch, your time as prospect will be extended.)
11.2. If you are an ex-member coming back you will do some time as a Prospect.
12. Must wear patch at all times (all members).
13. Follow all orders (within reasonable bounds).
14. No crew killing
15. Prospects ride in back of formation.
16. All members must have a bike and must be driving a crew approved vehicle at
all times.
17. If unable to make a meeting/church inform an officer (with valid reason).
18. Required prospect jacket for males (Check discord pins) females (Check discord pins).
19. Prospects are required to salute or bro love patched members and officers.
20. Set crew as active at all times.
21. Send friend request to all active members.
22. No Discriminating against age, sex, ethnicity, or politics (anyone breaking this
law will be punished with all rank, any table member will be put under.
punishment if this bylaw is broken. (DON'T BE DISRESPECTFUL).
23. No off radar or ghost organization.
24. Prospects must stand outside of building/store and protect all officers and

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